local t = elapsed/period local a = math.sin(t*math.pi*2) a = (a + 1)/2In the early days, programmers would often generate sound effects for their games procedurally as opposed to using pre-recorded samples. The sine wave could be used to produce simple effects like the jumping sound in the original Super Mario Bros.
function newSinewave(frequency, samplerate, duration) -- default duration is one wave period duration = duration or 1/frequency local samples = math.floor(duration*samplerate) local data = love.sound.newSoundData(samples) for i = 1, samples do local v = (i - 1)*frequency/samplerate v = math.sin(v*math.pi*2) data:setSample(i, v) end return data end local data = newSinewave(100, 44100, 2) local src = love.audio.newSource(data, "static") src:setLooping(true) love.audio.play(src)Before the wave data buffer is loaded in a sound object we can do some cool stuff. For example, we can iterate and modify the data buffer to apply a fade-in/out effect.
for i = 1, samples do local v = (i - 1)*frequency/samplerate v = math.sin(v*math.pi) v = (i - 1)/samples*v -- fade data:setSample(i, v) end
local t = (elapsed + period/2)%period local a = t/periodOne application of the sawtooth wave could be to produce seamlessly looping animations. Let's take for example, the following animation of a chain being pulled:
local p = 0.5 -- wave period in seconds local e = 0 function love.update(dt) e = e + dt -- elapsed time in seconds local t = (e + p/2)%p sprite.x = t/p*42 -- update sprite position end
local t = (elapsed - period/4)%period return math.abs(t*2 - period)/periodThe triangle wave could be used in games to make moving platforms and such. Waveforms in general are especially useful in physic-based games. For example, joint motors in the Box2D library could be oscillated using waveforms to produce some very nice effects.
local hp = period/2 local t = (elapsed + hp)%period local a = math.floor(t/hp)Square waves are often used to periodically toggle between two different states. With square waves, for the first half of the wave period we are in an active state (1) and for the second half of the period we are in inactive state (0). This ratio could be changed by introducing the "dutycycle" variable. Duty cycle is the percent of time that an entity spends in an active state. For simple square waves D is 0.5 or 50%.
local hp = period/2 local t = (elapsed + hp)%period if t > period*dutycycle then -- inactive state else -- active state end
local linear = elapsed/period
local quadratic = linear^2 local cubic = linear^3 local quart = linear^4 local quint = linear^5
local expo = math.pow(2, 10*(linear - 1))
local circ = math.sqrt(1 - linear^2) - 1
local sine = math.sin(linear*(math.pi/2))
local s = s or 1.70158 local t = linear - 1 local back = (t*t*((s + 1)*t + s) + 1)