LÖVE Builder is an online tool used to package games made with the LÖVE framework.
To build your project, please follow these steps:
Create a ZIP Archive
Create a ZIP archive of your LÖVE project folder and rename its extension from .zip to .love
We recommend using the open source library
love.maker which can help you automate the process.
Include the Recommended Resources
Make sure your .love package contains the following files:
Application metadata file saved in .ini format:
title=Awesome Game
comment=Packaged by 2dengine.com
publisher=2dengine LLC
"version=" is the software version for your app.
The software version usually consist of three numbers separated by dots: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
"build=" specifies the exact build number which should increase between requests.
The default build number is generated from the current UNIX timestamp minus 1577836800.
"identity=" defines the executable name and the application's user data folder.
"package=" must match the unique app identifier as required on macOS and Android.
"title=" specifies the name which will usually appear alongside the application icon.
If unspecified, the default title is generated based on your .love project file name.
"comment=" is a short string describing what your application is about.
Application titles and comments can be localized as follows: "title[ja]=素晴らしいゲーム"
"publisher=" and "url=" provide optional metadata regarding the person or entity that is distributing the app.
This metadata is typically displayed when the user installs or removes your app.
"orientation=" specifies the preferred screen orientation on Android and iOS devices.
The application icon in PNG format (512x512 px).
You are allowed to use a transparent background.
The PNG file will be automatically resized and converted to .ico on Windows and .icns on macOS.
License agreement in plain text format which will be presented to the End-User during installation on Windows.
Upload and Sign
Upload your .love file on the following page:
Depending on our current server load, there are size limitations to the files that you are allowed to upload.
Users who have registered for a 2dengine account have extra build options and are allowed to upload larger files.
In most cases, you will need to digitally sign the generated binaries.
For Android, we recommend the free and open source tool
Uber Apk Signer.
Give Credit
Please provide appropriate credit if you found LÖVE Builder useful.
Supporting our work helps us release more free software in the future.
LÖVE Builder is made possible thanks to:
2dengine LLC
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
eXtensible ARchiver
Deceze and uckelman from StackOverflow
SmellyFishstiks and LuaScripters from Discord