Box2D is the library hiding under the hood of love.physics. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to use Box2D like a pro!
local reg = debug.getregistry() local lg = -- World function reg.World:draw() local bodies = self:getBodies() for _, v in ipairs(bodies) do v:draw() end lg.setColor(1,0,0,1) local joints = self:getJoints() for _, joint in ipairs(joints) do local x1, y1, x2, y2 = joint:getAnchors() if joint.getGroundAnchors then local x3, y3, x4, y4 = joint:getGroundAnchors() lg.line(x1, y1, x3, y3, x4, y4, x2, y2) else lg.line(x1, y1, x2, y2) end end end -- Body function reg.Body:draw() local x, y = self:getPosition() local r = self:getAngle() lg.push() lg.translate(x, y) lg.rotate(r) local fixtures = self:getFixtures() for _, fixture in ipairs(fixtures) do local shape = fixture:getShape() shape:draw() end lg.pop() end -- Shape function reg.CircleShape:draw() local x, y = self:getPoint() local r = self:getRadius()"line", x, y, r, 32) lg.line(x, y, x + r, y) end function reg.PolygonShape:draw() lg.polygon("line", self:getPoints()) end function reg.ChainShape:draw() lg.line(self:getPoints()) end function reg.EdgeShape:draw() lg.line(self:getPoints()) end
"b2draw" makes drawing our physics simulation super easy! However, Box2D is based on the metric system so some scaling may be required. A circle shape with a radius of 100 is simulated as if its radius is 100 meters. 100 meters is nearly the length of a football field and is probably not the ideal size to simulate a bouncing ball. To keep the simulation realistic, we need to stick to everyday-sized objects. For example, a soccer ball is around 0.1 meters in radius. Rendering such tiny shapes in an 800 by 600 window requires scaling your sprites or using a "camera." Alternatively you could use love.physics.setMeter.
local reg = debug.getregistry() local lp = love.physics local newBody = lp.newBody function reg.World:newBody(x, y, t) return newBody(self, x, y, t) end local destroyBody = reg.Body.destroy function reg.World:destroyBody(b) destroyBody(b) end local destroyJoint = reg.Joint.destroy function reg.World:destroyJoint(j) destroyJoint(j) end local newPolygonShape = lp.newPolygonShape local newFixture = lp.newFixture function reg.Body:newPolygon(...) local s = newPolygonShape(...) return newFixture(self, s) end local newRectangleShape = lp.newRectangleShape function reg.Body:newBox(w, h, lx, ly, la) lx, ly = lx or 0, ly or 0 la = la or 0 local s = newRectangleShape(lx, ly, w*2, h*2, la) return newFixture(self, s) end local newCircleShape = lp.newCircleShape function reg.Body:newCircle(radius, lx, ly) lx, ly = lx or 0, ly or 0 local s = newCircleShape(lx, ly, radius) return newFixture(self, s) end local newChainShape = lp.newChainShape function reg.Body:newChain(vertices, loop) local s = newChainShape(loop, vertices) return newFixture(self, s) end local newEdgeShape = lp.newEdgeShape function reg.Body:newEdge(x1, y1, x2, y2) local s = newEdgeShape(x1, y1, x2, y2) return newFixture(self, s) end local newRevoluteJoint = lp.newRevoluteJoint function reg.World:newRevoluteJoint(a, b, x, y, cc) return newRevoluteJoint(a, b, x, y, cc) end local newPrismaticJoint = lp.newPrismaticJoint function reg.World:newPrismaticJoint(a, b, x, y, ax, ay, cc) return newPrismaticJoint(a, b, x, y, ax, ay, cc) end local newDistanceJoint = lp.newDistanceJoint function reg.World:newDistanceJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, cc) return newDistanceJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, cc) end local newRopeJoint = lp.newRopeJoint local sqrt = math.sqrt function reg.World:newRopeJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, l, cc) if l == nil then local lx, ly = p1x - p2x, p1y - p2y l = sqrt(lx*lx + ly*ly) end return newRopeJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, l, cc) end local newPulleyJoint = lp.newPulleyJoint function reg.World:newPulleyJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, ratio, cc) return newPulleyJoint(a, b, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, p4x, p4y, ratio, cc) end local newGearJoint = lp.newGearJoint function reg.World:newGearJoint(a, b, j1, j2, ratio, cc) return newGearJoint(j1, j2, ratio, cc) end local newWeldJoint = lp.newWeldJoint function reg.World:newWeldJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, cc) return newWeldJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, cc) end local newFrictionJoint = lp.newFrictionJoint function reg.World:newFrictionJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, cc) return newFrictionJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, cc) end local newWheelJoint = lp.newWheelJoint function reg.World:newWheelJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, ax, ay, cc) return newWheelJoint(a, b, p1x, p1y, ax, ay, cc) end local newMouseJoint = lp.newMouseJoint function reg.World:newMouseJoint(a, x, y, mf) local joint = newMouseJoint(a, x, y) joint:setMaxForce(mf) return joint end
The code for creating new fixtures and shapes becomes much shorter and cleaner thanks to "b2access.lua." This is all achieved with barely any effect on performance.
require("b2draw") require("b2access") function love.load() world = love.physics.newWorld() body = world:newBody(100, 100) fixture = body:newCircle(10) end function love.update(dt) world:update(dt) end function love.draw() world:draw() end
accumulator = 0 interval = 1/60 maxframeskip = 10 function love.update(dt) accumulator = accumulator + dt accumulator = math.min(accumulator, maxframeskip*interval) while accumulator >= interval do world:update(interval) accumulator = accumulator - interval end end
Note that when using accumulators, not all of "delta" will be used during a single cycle. Some people use this tiny left-over "delta" to interpolate while drawing:
function love.draw() -- sync the sprites of all bodies local bodies = world:getBodies() for i, body in ipairs(bodies) do -- interpolate position local x, y = body:getPosition() local lvx, lvy = body:getLinearVelocity() x = x + lvx*accumulator y = y + lvy*accumulator -- draw body ... end end
local contacts = body:getContacs() for i, contact in ipairs(contacts) do ... endor you can iterate all contacts:
local contacts = world:getContacts()Additionally a reference to the "Contact" object is provided when using collision callbacks.
Contact lists may contain potential collisions of fixtures that may not be touching at all. Using the "contact:IsTouching()" function tells us if there an actual collision.
function reg.Body:IsTouching(other) -- iterate contacts local contacts = self:getContacts() for i, contact in ipairs(contacts) do -- make sure there's actual contact if contact:IsTouching() then -- look for a specific body local f1, f2 = contact:getFixtures() if f1:getBody() == other or f2:getBody() == other then return true end end end return false endNote that the code above returns true even if there is no solid contact. Non-solid contact occurs when one or both of the contacting fixtures is a sensor. Therefore, the approach shown above is pretty good if you want to add sensor triggers in your game.
A contact between two fixtures may have 2, 1 or 0 contact points.
As mentioned above, with non-solid contact (involving one or two sensor fixtures) there are 0 contact points.
When a circle collides with another fixture or a polygon vertex hits an edge, we always get 1 contact point.
When there is an edge-to-edge collision between two polygons, we may get 2 contact points.
Three different contacts with the contact points shown in white
Left: circle with 1 contact (1 point)
Center: triangle with 1 contact (1 point, vertex to edge)
Right: rectangle with 1 contact (2 points, edge to edge)
Keeping in mind that all fixtures in Box2D are convex,
it's easy to realize that there cannot be more than 2 contact points
between the same pair of fixtures.
However, one fixture may be in contact with two or more other fixtures.
Therefore a body can have several contacts acting upon it at the same time:
Four contacts with the contact points shown in white
Left: circle with 2 contacts (1 point each)
Right: rectangle with 2 contacts (1 point each)
Another useful vector is the collision normal (see yellow lines in the figures above). Each contact has a collision normal which is basically the axis of shortest separation. In layman terms, it's a (normalized) vector describing the direction in which the two fixtures are pushing each other.
force = mass*acceleration acceleration = changeInVelocity/time changeInVelocity = finalVelocity - initialVelocityAn impulse is similar, but with "time" removed from the equation:
impulse = mass*changeInVelocity changeInVelocity = finalVelocity - initialVelocitySo you can think of an "impulse" as an instant change in velocity of an object times its mass.
Each contact point has an impulse associated with it.
Box2D describes the magnitude of these impulses in two parts.
The direction of these impulses is determined by the collision normal.
As you can see from the following figures,
normal impulses (shown in yellow) push the two fixtures apart so that
they are not inter-penetrating.
Rectangle going down an inclined slope.
Normal impulse shown in yellow and tangent impulse shown in green.
Left: with friction (1)
Right: without friction (0)
Tangent impulses are applied at 90-degrees relative to the "collision normal."
Tangent impulses are determined by the "friction" of fixtures and
can cause the body to spin and roll.
Circle going down an inclined slope.
Normal impulse shown in yellow and tangent impulse shown in green.
Left: with friction (1)
Center: without friction (0)
Remember: if you want your circles to roll make sure to give them a "friction" value greater than 0!
Otherwise, they will glide down awkwardly while remaining upright.
impulse = changeInVelocity*mass changeInVelocity = impulse/massKeep in mind that the exact point where an impulse is being applied is important too. The location of the contact point along with the center of mass of each body may produce torque and cause the body to spin.
Iterating the contact lists is great when you are interested in the "resting" contact between fixtures.
Sometimes however collisions may occur between frames.
If you want to know how much impulse is applied in such collisions,
you probably want to use a ContactListener with the "PostSolve" callback.
One downside is that the "PostSolve" callback may be evoked many times during a single update step.
I don't recommend "PostSolve" unless you need to know every impulse that is applied between fixtures.
function reg.Body:isMoving(treshold) treshold = treshold or 0 local lvx, lvy = self:getLinearVelocity() return (lvx*lvx + lvy*lvy) > treshold*treshold end
function reg.Body:isRotating(treshold) treshold = treshold or 0 local angular = self:getAngularVelocity() return angular < -treshold or angular > treshold end
function reg.Body:isMovingOnAxis(ax, ay) local lvx, lvy = self:getLinearVelocity(lv) return ax*lvx + ay*lvy > 0 end
function reg.Body:isPushedOnAxis(ax, ay) local contacts = self:getContacts() for i, contact in ipairs(contacts) do if contact:isTouching() then local x1, y1, x2, y2 = contact:getPositions() if x1 and y1 then local nx, ny = contact:getNormal() local f1, f2 = contact:getFixtures() local other = f1:getBody() if other ~= self then nx, ny = -nx, -ny end if ax*nx + ay*ny > 0 then return true end end end end return false endOne further refinement could be to compute the total impulse acting on the body along the given axis. This can help us determine how firmly the body is being supported.
restitution = contact:getRestitution()Depending on the restitution, we can categorize collisions in three types:
Perfectly elastic (restitution = 1)
No kinetic energy is lost so there is no sound or damage caused to the colliding objects.
Example: perfectly elastic ball that can bounce forever
Elastic (restitution > 0 and restitution < 1)
Some kinetic energy is converted into heat, sound or causes deformation.
Example: bouncing basketball
Inelastic (restitution = 0)
A lot of kinetic energy is converted into heat, sound or causes deformation.
The colliding objects remain together after the impact.
Example: ball made of soft clay that sticks to floor when dropped
Generally, momentum and energy are always conserved when dealing with a closed system. With Box2D, this is not particularly true for example when using static bodies with 0 restitution. Also note that, simulating deformation is beyond the scope of both Box2D and this tutorial.
As a general reference, let's look at the restitution coefficients of different types of balls:
0.858 golf ball
0.804 billiard ball
0.712 tennis ball
0.658 glass marble
0.597 steel ball bearing
velocity1 = firstBody:getLinearVelocity() velocity2 = secondBody:getLinearVelocity() velocityDiff = velocity1 - velocity2Next, we find how fast the two bodies are moving towards each other, given the their difference in velocity and position.
-- direction vector direction = firstBody:getPosition() - secondBody:getPosition() directionNormal = normalize(direction) -- relative speed (in Meters per second) relativeSpeed = dotProduct(velocityDiff, directionNormal)The resulting relative speed is:
function preSolve(contact) local x1, y1, x2, y2 = contact:getPositions() if x1 and y1 then local f1, f2 = contact:getFixtures() local b1 = f1:getBody() local b2 = f2:getBody() -- Campbell's method local lvx1, lvy1 = b1:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(x1, y1) local lvx2, lvy2 = b2:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(x1, y1) -- velocity difference vector local dvx, dvy = lvx1 - lvx2, lvy1- lvy2 -- impact speed (in Meters per second) local nx, ny = contact:getNormal() local impactSpeed = dvx*nx + dvy*ny -- dot productWhen used in the "PreSolve" callback, the result is the relative speed of the contact points at the moment of impact! When we know the impact speed it's possible to estimate the impulse which will later be applied to the body during the "PostSolve" callback. Again, remember that impact speed is actually the relative velocity of the points in contact. When torque is involved, it could be different than the linear velocity of the body.